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 This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge Vide
PostSubject: This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge   This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 9:04 pm

If you thought the market's reaction to the Swiss National Bank's decision was extreme... imagine what happens when this unwinds...

Leveraged Funds have never been more short the Treasury Bond... and T-Bond yields continue to crash to record lows...

This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge 20150116_UST_0

And yesterday - specs were the shortest the Swiss Franc in 2 years and it spiked 24 handles.
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This Won't End Well Either -Zero Hedge

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