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 Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market Vide
PostSubject: Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market   Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 8:17 pm

Myanmar (Burma) will open its first-ever stock market later this year, the deputy finance minister says.

Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market MYANMARSTOCKS20150110001087450672-original_1280x720_original

"We are ready to start it in October," Maung Maung Thein said.

He also said that stock exchange licences will be issued to companies soon.

"The Securities Exchange Commission will issue licences to the stock companies. It will be happen two or three months later," he said.
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Boycott Burma Slave Pen's First Rigged Stock Market

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