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 Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up Vide
PostSubject: Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up   Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2015 9:11 pm

Silicon Valley has given its approval to America's burgeoning legal cannabis industry after the investors who bankrolled Facebook gave millions of dollars to drug start-ups.

Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up 1420842431469

Supporters of cannabis legalisation called it a "Berlin Wall moment" and a "tipping point" as money was committed by Founders Fund, the venture capital firm started by Peter Thiel, who gave Mark Zuckerberg his first $US500,000.

"We don't worry what people think about us," Geoff Lewis, a partner at the firm said, following suggestions that it was giving money to drug dealers. He added that cannabis would be a "massive industry within the next decade."

The money will help to fund Marley Natural, which will sell Bob Marley-branded strains of Jamaican cannabis for recreational users. It will also support a cannabis producer with a 18,000-square-metre facility in Canada and an online service called Leafly, on which users review strains and sellers of the drug. Leafly already has four million visitors a month.
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Facebook financier Peter Thiel gives cannabis the thumbs-up

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