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 Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
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Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services Vide
PostSubject: Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services   Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services Icon_minitimeTue Jan 06, 2015 8:19 pm

One of the biggest Bitcoin exchanges suspended services on Tuesday, prompting unease in a virtual currency industry already scarred by the collapse last year of Mt. Gox, once its most prominent exchange.
On Tuesday morning, Bitstamp, based in London, posted a message on its website saying it had “temporarily suspended Bitstamp services” and urged its customers not to make deposits to previously issued Bitcoin deposit addresses. The exchange said that some of its virtual wallets were compromised on Sunday and that it had lost roughly 19,000 Bitcoins, worth about $5 million.
In its message, Bitstamp sought to reassure customers and prevent the sort of panic that ensued last February, when news of a major theft at Mt. Gox, based in Tokyo, roiled the Bitcoin world. “Bitstamp customers can rest assured that their Bitcoins held with us prior to temporary suspension of services on January 5th (at 9 a.m. UTC) are completely safe and will be honored in full,” Bitstamp wrote.

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Male Age : 44
Location : The VAMPIRE State
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Humor : Every survival kit should include a sense of humor.

Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services Vide
PostSubject: Re: Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services   Jitters After Bitcoin Exchange Suspends Services Icon_minitimeTue Jan 06, 2015 8:22 pm

This may not be a popular sentiment here, but IMHO Bitcoin is no better than any other FIAT currency. There is nothing backing it. It's all an illusion. If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
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