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 The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope Vide
PostSubject: The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope   The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope Icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 2:40 am

I am a teacher. For the greater part of my career, I have taught in schools on the other side of the tracks, working with disadvantaged students, particularly students from immigrant and refugee communities.

The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope 1418202133328

   Where there is hope, there is a space for aspirations and for learning.

I have learnt a lot on my almost 50-year journey in teaching: that birth, social class, wealth, ethnicity and gender should not define or limit your future; that all children can learn; that all children regardless of their background and family circumstances, deserve a sound education that respects them and provides them with the firm foundation they need for the rest of their lives as active participants in society.

I have had the privilege to be the principal of Holroyd High School since 1995. Holroyd is a western Sydney school where most students are of recent non-English speaking background, where all the students in the Intensive English Centre have been in Australia less than a year and almost a third of students in years 7 to 12 less than three years. Almost 60 per cent of our students are of recent refugee background, many with interrupted or no schooling before they come to us, and most with experience of trauma that would be unimaginable in the mainstream Australian community.
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The school where there are no rules other than trust and hope

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