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 OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students   OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2014 7:24 pm

Public and private schools will be required to share all relevant information with each other about students they expel to ensure badly behaved or troubled children do not simply "become another school's problem".

OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students 1417373641373

The new rules, struck by NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli, mean public, private and Catholic schools will be asked to swap information about the background and past behaviour of students who transfer between schools.

This year, Mr Piccoli controversially challenged the right of private schools to expel students, saying all taxpayer-funded schools had a moral obligation to help their students.

Mr Piccoli's comments came in the wake of revelations that Trinity Grammar School expelled as many as eight year 8 students after an incident involving cannabis in the grounds of the inner west school late last year.
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OZschwitz slave pen: schools to share information on expelled students

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