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 Yee-Pee! Elmendorf Commanding General Dies Suspiciously

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Yee-Pee!  Elmendorf Commanding General Dies Suspiciously Vide
PostSubject: Yee-Pee! Elmendorf Commanding General Dies Suspiciously   Yee-Pee!  Elmendorf Commanding General Dies Suspiciously Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 9:29 am

The commander of the Third Wing at Elmendorf Air Force died of a gunshot wound in his on-base residence Sunday night, the Air Force said this morning. Few details are being released, but an Air Force spokesman said there was no indication of foul play.

Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Tinsley was declared dead around 10:30 p.m., according to a statement issued by the Air Force early this morning.

Elmendorf medical authorities responded, the statement says.

There was no indication of foul play, Lt. Col. Michael Paoli, an Air Force spokesman, told the Associated Press.

The incident is under investigation, the statement says. Military officials are expected to provide more details later today.

Arrivederci motherfucker, what took you so long!?

:Dance club:
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Yee-Pee! Elmendorf Commanding General Dies Suspiciously

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