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 Pig avoids rape charge but not criminal trespass charge!

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Pig avoids rape charge but not criminal trespass charge! Vide
PostSubject: Pig avoids rape charge but not criminal trespass charge!   Pig avoids rape charge but not criminal trespass charge! Icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2008 10:48 pm

Great case... has something for everyone!

No rape charge against Pierce County deputy accused of sex crime

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) -- A Pierce County sheriff's deputy accused of having sexual contact with a woman while on duty pleaded not guilty Friday to a charge of first-degree criminal trespass with sexual motivation.

The gross misdemeanor charge was filed against Joseph Sumner Qualls, 27.

Qualls was accused of having sex with the woman after giving her a ride home Jan. 4 when he found her drunk behind the wheel of her car. Prosecutors say he had sex at her house again a week later and was arrested Tuesday night when he returned to her house.

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Pig avoids rape charge but not criminal trespass charge!

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