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 Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector

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Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector Vide
PostSubject: Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector   Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2014 12:01 am

Much has been written about the many failures the ongoing Ebola crisis in West Africa represents: from the genuine lack of access to basic health care in many developing countries to the fact that the front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector.

Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector 141010140326-01-ebola-liberia-1010-horizontal-gallery
A woman crawls toward the body of her sister as a burial team takes her away for cremation Friday, October 10, in Monrovia, Liberia. The woman had died from Ebola earlier in the morning while trying to walk to a treatment center, according to her relatives. Health officials say the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the deadliest ever. More than 4,000 people have died, according to the World Health Organization.
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Ebola: The front line first response has largely fallen upon the brave volunteers of the nongovernmental sector

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