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 Wonderful: OZschwitz MP's son on child porn charges

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Wonderful: OZschwitz MP's son on child porn charges Vide
PostSubject: Wonderful: OZschwitz MP's son on child porn charges   Wonderful: OZschwitz MP's son on child porn charges Icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 7:27 pm

The son of federal Labor MP Janelle Saffin has been charged with possessing child pornography.

Computer and electronic equipment seized from the Lismore Heights home of Ned Saffin, 23, in March allegedly were found to contain "offensive images", a police spokeswoman said.

"Police will allege that on March 25 officers ... executed a search warrant on a house on Renwick Street at Lismore Heights," the spokeswoman said.

"The officers were acting on information received that the man has child pornography in his possession.

"A number of computer hard drives and digital storage devices were seized."

After almost four months of investigations detectives yesterday charged Saffin with three counts of possessing child pornography.

Saffin has been granted bail and is due to face Lismore Local Court on August 25.

Ms Saffin, the MP for the northern NSW seat of Page, issued a statement today, saying: "I love my son. I know he has been charged. As the matter is before the court, I won't be making any further comment".

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