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 OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him   OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 6:53 pm

THE Defence Department is investigating claims that Signalman Sean McCarthy, the sixth Australian soldier to be killed in Afghanistan, died because his helicopter evacuation was delayed.

The rescue, which should have taken about 20 minutes, took two hours. Signalman McCarthy was reportedly alive for at least an hour after being caught in a roadside bomb attack.

"The minister is aware of the allegations and is eagerly awaiting the review to take place," a spokesman for the Minister for Defence, Joel Fitzgibbon, told the Herald last night.

A Dutch rescue helicopter was delayed because a lack of support from a United States helicopter gunship, News Limited reported. An email from a Dutch Army doctor, Ed van der Zee, who was part of the medical team at Train Kowt military base to receive the casualties, said the SAS soldier had bled to death by the time he arrived. Colonel van der Zee said the US commanders failed to tell the Dutch that the helicopter assigned to the task was undergoing maintenance.

The Chief of Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, insisted Signalman McCarthy, 25, was flown out immediately after the attack. He was badly injured when a bomb exploded near his vehicle on July 8.

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OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him Vide
PostSubject: Re: OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him   OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 7:09 pm

Good stuff!
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OZschwitz: How a statist SAS murderer got what was coming to him

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