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 Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification Vide
PostSubject: Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification   Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2014 9:11 pm

ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher was warned personally and on multiple occasions since 2005 that Mr Fluffy home owners were at risk of coming into contact with the deadly insulation.

Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification 1409170334023.jpg-300x0

Documents obtained by The Canberra Times show that as industrial relations minister responsible for asbestos, Ms Gallagher received numerous recommendations to deliver "explicit", "regular" and "systematic" warnings to more than 1000 Mr Fluffy home owners  that remnant asbestos within their wall cavities posed a potential health risk.

While all levels of government understood that when the $100 million Commonwealth Removal Program wound up in 1993, some amosite remained and renovations, or even minor work, on these homes could be dangerous, this was not adequately conveyed to the public.
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Whatever the statists touch, turns to shit: OZschwitz ACT Chief admits flaw in asbestos notification

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