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 A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds Vide
PostSubject: A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds   A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2014 3:11 am

What began as the idea of an entrepreneurial 17-year-old may end up becoming a key life-saving mechanism in emergency departments and makeshift trauma rooms across the globe.

A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds 1409019166520

Now equipped with a master's degree and his own company, Joe Landolina's invention "Veti-Gel" - a gel that stops bleeding almost instantly - has been approved for clinical veterinary trials in the United States.

Landolina first pitched the idea to a business competition while a student at New York University after realising that the best medicine could offer someone whose injury could cause them to bleed out in three minutes was often just a gauze bandage.
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A gel that stops bleeding in 10 seconds

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