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 Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing Vide
PostSubject: Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing   Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 12:30 am

A police officer accused of murdering a willing victim he met on a website for cannibalism fetishists is due to go on trial today.

Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing 503ba1c1d8fb93b5a21e109c7477871d255173af-19vd9ni

In a lurid case that made international headlines, prosecutors say the 56-year-old defendant, Detlef Guenzel, confessed to stabbing a man in the throat last November before cutting his body into small pieces and burying them in his garden.

The indictment against Guenzel cites "satisfaction of sexual lust" as a motive but there is no evidence that the suspect ate any part of the victim.

He could face 15 years in prison if convicted on charges of murder and "disturbing the peace of the dead" by the court in the eastern city of Dresden, Germany.
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Awww, cop on trial over cannibalism website killing

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