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 Is slouching making you sad?

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Is slouching making you sad? Vide
PostSubject: Is slouching making you sad?   Is slouching making you sad? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 3:24 am

Poor posture isn't just bad for your back.

Is slouching making you sad? Slouch-729

New research reveals that slouching can make you sad and may even dumb you down.

We already know that sitting too much can be a lethal (in)activity.

The way we sit also has an important part to play in our physical and psychological health.

One 2012 study found that poor posture can negatively affect our energy levels.

Off the back of this, new research has explored the effect of posture on our emotions.

In the small-scale study, German psychologists took 30 clinically depressed patients and asked them to sit slumped or in an upright position.

While seated, they were asked to imagine themselves in a scene related to positive words such as "beauty" and "enjoyable" or negative words including "exhaustion" and "dejected" flashed on a screen in front of them.
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Is slouching making you sad?

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