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 Heroic: S. Korean Soldier Kills 5 Comrades

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
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Heroic: S. Korean Soldier Kills 5 Comrades Vide
PostSubject: Heroic: S. Korean Soldier Kills 5 Comrades   Heroic: S. Korean Soldier Kills 5 Comrades Icon_minitimeSun Jun 22, 2014 3:27 am

According to a South Korean military official, a soldier killed five comrades and wounded another five at the border with North Korea on Saturday night. The army sergeant was armed with a rifle at an outpost in Gangwon province and, according to local media, is still at large, though military officials would not confirm this. There is no indication that North Korea was involved, though tensions between the two nations are at a high with North Korea staging missile and artillery drills and threatening South Korea’s leader.
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Heroic: S. Korean Soldier Kills 5 Comrades

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