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 Filth: University of Arkansas Bans Washington Free Beacon from Clinton Archives

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Filth: University of Arkansas Bans Washington Free Beacon from Clinton Archives Vide
PostSubject: Filth: University of Arkansas Bans Washington Free Beacon from Clinton Archives   Filth: University of Arkansas Bans Washington Free Beacon from Clinton Archives Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 9:44 pm

Not the first time a university library has intervened to protect a Democratic presidential candidate.

The Washington Free Beacon, which has broken several scoops related to Hillary Clinton, has been banned from using the Clinton archive at the University of Arkansas:

A Hillary Clinton donor who serves as dean of the University of Arkansas libraries has banned the Washington Free Beacon from the school’s special collections archives, after the news outlet published revealing stories about Hillary Clinton based on documents available at the university library.

The ban came days after the Free Beacon ran a story about Clinton’s 1975 defense of a child rapist that drew from audio recordings available at the University of Arkansas library’s special collections archives.

This is an outrage for anyone that cares about transparency and a free press. It's also a reminder that this isn't the first time that a university library has intervened to prevent damaging information on a (potential) Democratic presidential candidate. In 2008, the University of Illinois at Chicago intervened to keep Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, from doing research on Barack Obama:

This much we know from the public record, but a large cache of documents housed in the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), is likely to flesh out the story. That document cache contains the internal files of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The records in question are extensive, consisting of 132 boxes, containing 947 file folders, a total of about 70 linear feet of material. Not only would these files illuminate the working relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers, they would also provide significant insight into a web of ties linking Obama to various radical organizations, including Obama-approved foundation gifts to political allies. Obama’s leadership style and abilities are also sure to be illuminated by the documents in question.

Unfortunately, I don’t yet have access to the documents. The Special Collections section of the Richard J. Daley Library agreed to let me read them, but just before I boarded my flight to Chicago, the top library officials mysteriously intervened to bar access

Lastly, the Weekly Standard's own Daniel Halper was shut out of the University of Nebraska-Omaha when trying to research Chuck Hagel after he was nominated by Obama for Secretary of Defense:

Official documents, correspondence and other papers from the period of time Chuck Hagel held his U.S. Senate seat are closed to public viewing by the archives entrusted to hold them. The lack of access has created yet another controversy around the embattled nominee to become the next defense secretary, raising questions among some about whether he might be hiding something in those files.

The ruckus started earlier this week when a reporter from the conservative publication, the Weekly Standard, tried to access the documents but was rebuffed by administrators at the University of Nebraska, Omaha.

It appears as if university administrators make a habit of ignoring their commitment to open inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge to help Democrats.
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Filth: University of Arkansas Bans Washington Free Beacon from Clinton Archives

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