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 They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead

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They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead Vide
PostSubject: They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead   They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead Icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2014 1:57 am

Less than a week after a BJP leader was murdered in Greater Noida, another leader of the saffron party, Om Veer Singh, was shot dead by two unidentified men in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday.

They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead 1402462861mulayam-akhilesh

The murder sparked fear of another communal riot in the district. It may be recalled that communal frenzy gripped the district in September last year leading to the death of at least 62 people.

Singh was a retired Army man and the vice-president of BJP unit in Mirapur town in Muzaffarnagar district. A police officer said that Singh was attacked when he was taking his morning walk at around 7 am at Monty Crossroad.

Reports claimed that Singh also fired back at the attackers with his licensed revolver but the duo managed to overpower him and snatch his revolver. According to police, Singh was shot by his own revolver.

Huge protest broke out in district and other parts of the state following Singh?s murder with the BJP slamming the SP-led government in the state for failing to maintain law and order in the state.

The highway was blocked by the BJP workers in protest. The family members of the BJP leaders alleged a conspiracy behind his killing.

President of BJP state BJP unit, Laxmikant Bajpai, said "there seems to be planned attack on BJP leaders."
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They whacked him with his own gun, LOL: UP govt faces protests as another BJP leader is shot dead

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