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 The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings Vide
PostSubject: The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings   The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings Icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2014 12:46 am

An Oklahoma company has created a bulletproof blanket that children can wear like a backpack to shield themselves in the case of a school shooting.

The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings Vd-blanket2-620x349-408x264

The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings Blanket1-620x349

The Bodyguard Blanket, which costs $1000, is the latest body armour product targeted at school students in the United States, where parents and schools can already buy bulletproof jackets, backpacks, and whiteboards.

Gun-control lobby groups say there were at least 44 school shootings in the US - an average of more than three a month - between December 2012 and February 10, 2014.
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The Joys of Statist Education: Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect students during school shootings

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