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 'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools Vide
PostSubject: 'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools   'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 8:24 pm

Conservative Muslim school leaders in Britain's second city, Birmingham, conducted an "organised campaign" to impose faith-based ideology on their pupils, Education Secretary Michael Gove says.

'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools 1402353474758.jpg-620x349

Clashes between Muslim governors and non-Muslim senior staff had led to a "culture of fear and intimidation" in which some head teachers felt forced to leave their jobs, leaving those remaining free to impose a narrow curriculum, the minister said on Monday.

Mr Gove was reporting the findings of two investigations into allegations of an Islamist plot to take over the leadership of state-funded schools in Birmingham with the intention of imposing a religious agenda.
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'Organised campaign' to impose Islam in UK schools

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