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 RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya Vide
PostSubject: RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya   RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 2:41 am

One of Australia's leading technology entrepreneurs has been shot and killed in a violent home invasion in Kenya.

RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya 1402033642346

Carey Eaton, a  former executive of the job-finding website SEEK, moved to Kenya in 2010 where he co-founded the online classifieds business One Africa Media.

A statement on One Africa Media's blog confirms the death of the father of three.

"Carey was intelligent and bold but wielded this gift with a humility that gave all around him the confidence to achieve more than they knew was possible. However, it is not Carey the business leader that we will miss as much as Carey the man: energetic, passionate and connected to us all in some special way," reads the post.

According to the blog post, Mr Carey died when thieves stormed into a friend's house in Nairobi on Thursday.
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RIP: Former SEEK executive, killed in Kenya

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