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 Funny: Mystery donor of hidden cash sparks frenzy in Los Angeles

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Funny: Mystery donor of hidden cash sparks frenzy in Los Angeles Vide
PostSubject: Funny: Mystery donor of hidden cash sparks frenzy in Los Angeles   Funny: Mystery donor of hidden cash sparks frenzy in Los Angeles Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 10:10 pm

An anonymous cash donor who touched off a treasure hunt across San Francisco by hiding envelopes full of bills in unlikely places and providing clues via Twitter has moved operations to Los Angeles, sparking a frenzy with the first money drop.

The unknown donor made the deposit near a fountain in Griffith Park on Wednesday night, and local television showed throngs of people searching frantically for the hidden loot.

"What was originally meant to be a pay-it-forward scavenger hunt for San Francisco, has become much bigger than San Francisco and more than a scavenger hunt," the mystery benefactor said in a message posted on his Twitter account, @HiddenCash.

The man, who had more than 330,000 Twitter followers by Friday morning, revealed little about his identity but wrote that he came up with the scheme while dining with a friend last week as a fun way to give back to the community.

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Funny: Mystery donor of hidden cash sparks frenzy in Los Angeles

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