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 Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right' Vide
PostSubject: Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right'   Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right' Icon_minitimeFri May 23, 2014 8:10 pm

...And while the level of loathing towards Tony Abbott has not quite reached the great heights of the irrational hatred of Julia Gillard, some of its expression is no less absurd.

Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right' 1400832093853.jpg-620x349

It doesn’t get much more inane than chanting: “F... you, Tony Abbott”. Or, the alternative, delicately crafted: “Oh f... off, Tony”. Or even the t-shirt reading “Make Tony Abbott my bitch!” Yeah!
Totally! That makes sense! And is also weirdly sexist!
There’s other subtle stuff, too, involving penises and heads.
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Leftist OZschwitz Cargo Cult Students Think 'Free Education' Is Their 'Right'

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