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 Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook Vide
PostSubject: Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook   Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook Icon_minitimeWed May 21, 2014 8:15 pm

Senior class vice president and all-around model student Paris Gray tried out a brilliant and hilarious chemistry joke, but she didn't get a positive reaction from school administrators.

Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook Art-mashable-620x349

School administrators suspended Gray from her high school in Jonesboro, Georgia after they finally caught on to the joke that she had written for her personal quote in the yearbook. The quote read, "When the going gets tough just remember to Barium, Carbon, Potassium, Thorium, Astatine, Arsenic, Sulfur, Uranium, Phosphorus."

If you look on the periodic table, the elements Barium, Carbon, Potassium, Thorium, Astatine, Arsenic, Sulfur, Uranium, Phosphorus translate to [Ba][C][K] [Th][At] [As][S] [U][P], when you use their acronyms. Well played, Ms. Gray. Well played.

Sadly, school administrators don't share Gray's enthusiasm for the hilariously nerdy joke. What began as a light-hearted quote to fondly remember her senior year could possibly threaten Gray's ability to attend graduation. Gray told local news station WSB-TV, "It just completely destroyed me, and my mom's been telling me don't let it ruin my happiness, but it's like really taking a big toll."
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Statist slime: Student Suspended for Brilliant Chemistry Joke in Her Yearbook

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