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 Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God

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Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God Vide
PostSubject: Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God   Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2014 12:23 am

“Men’s rights”, a code word for opposition to women’s rights (usually women’s right to be free of violence, to be autonomous in their sexual and relationship decision-making, and to be treated as equals in education and labor ), is a popular topic on Reddit, and recently the forums dedicated to it decided to survey their members to get a demographic picture of them. Stephanie Zvan has a summary

Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God Shutterstock_149456138-500x345

Most of it is unsurprising. As with most reactionaries, MRAs refuse outright to admit that they simply oppose equality and come up with half-witted, belabored rationales for why positions and beliefs that functionally serve as opposition to equality are somehow not anti-equality. With MRAs, they insist that women’s gains towards equality are instead women’s gains towards dominance, allowing them to treat every move towards equality as an infringement on their rights.

The survey reflected that, with most MRAs arguing that women are the dominant sex, socially and legally, in American society. No big surprise there, nor is there any shock that they are nearly all—98%—white. (Probably 99%, since the “other” category, I suspect, was white people who snootily declare they don’t see race.) They were all conservative, too, with 84% identifying as “strong conservative” and another 11% identifying as “independent”, which is, like “libertarian”, a code word for a strong conservative who thinks of himself as an iconoclast. (Another 2% were just plain “conservative”, bringing the likely number of conservatives to 97%.) No surprises there.

More crap here:

And *SHOCK,* the bitch herself is *WHITE!*
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Feminist idiot Amanda Marcotte claims: “Men’s Rights Activism” Is For Misogynists Without God

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