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 Cool: Georgia gun law ready for signing: Bill will allow firearms in bars, churches

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Cool: Georgia gun law ready for signing: Bill will allow firearms in bars, churches Vide
PostSubject: Cool: Georgia gun law ready for signing: Bill will allow firearms in bars, churches   Cool: Georgia gun law ready for signing: Bill will allow firearms in bars, churches Icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 7:13 pm

The Georgia Senate passed a new bill on Friday that will allow concealed carry weapons in bars, airports (before TSA security checkpoints), places of worship and some government buildings.

Cool: Georgia gun law ready for signing: Bill will allow firearms in bars, churches Handgun-ap_s640x426

The bill’s co-sponsor, Rep. Dustin Hightower, said in February that the HB60 bill, also known as the Safe Carry Protection Act, is one of the “strongest Second Amendment bills to pass the House,” Townhall reported.

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