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 Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages   Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages Icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 6:41 pm

Some of the country's lowest-paid workers could lose almost a quarter of their weekly wages under changes quietly introduced by the Abbott government.

Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages Art-sa-repealdoes-20140322193355936618-620x349

Thousands of workers will be hit by the changes, which will strip between $172 and $225 a week from the pockets of full-time contract cleaners who work in government buildings.

The changes are among the 9500 regulations to go under Prime Minister Tony Abbott's red tape ''repeal day'' on Wednesday.

Buried in more than 50,000 pages of regulations and acts of parliaments to be scrapped is the revelation the government will abolish the Commonwealth Cleaning Services Guidelines for cleaners employed on government contracts from July 1.

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Good stuff: OZschwitz government cleaners could lose a quarter of their wages

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