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 LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case

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LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case Vide
PostSubject: LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case   LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case Icon_minitimeFri Mar 14, 2014 5:49 pm

An Indian diplomat was re-indicted Friday on U.S. visa fraud charges that touched off an international stir after she was arrested and strip-searched last year.

LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case 1394826886000-AP-India-Diplomat-Arrest

The new indictment, filed Friday, essentially just reinstates the charges against the diplomat, Devyani Khobragade — charges that now arrive with her out of the country. A judge had dismissed last year's virtually identical indictment Wednesday on diplomatic immunity grounds, but left a door open to federal prosecutors to revive the case and they suggested they would.

Khobragade's lawyer, Daniel Arshack, had no immediate comment Friday. He said Wednesday that re-indicting his client "might be viewed an aggressive act and one that (prosecutors) would be ill-advised to pursue."

Khobragade is back in India, and it's unclear when, if ever, she might appear in court in New York again.
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LOL, Indian diplomat re-indicted in U.S. visa fraud case

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