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 About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya Vide
PostSubject: About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya   About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya Icon_minitimeThu Mar 06, 2014 6:31 pm

A son of late dictator Moamer Kadhafi was extradited Thursday from Niger to Libya, where he is accused of murder and repression during the 2011 uprising that ousted and kills his father.

About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya D0ced9148df5246a1e11883c639c1b66bdde2f97-19hhp1g

"Saadi Kadhafi was handed over to the Libyan government on March 6. He has arrived in the country and is in the custody of the judiciary's police," a government statement said.

Kadhafi, who once played professional football in Italy, would be held in accordance with "international standards regarding the treatment of prisoners," the government said.

The Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade, a militia of former rebels, posted five photographs on Facebook of a disconsolate-looking Saadi wearing a blue prison uniform having his head and beard shaved.
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About time: Fugitive Kadhafi playboy son handed back to Libya

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