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 LOL: Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks

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LOL: Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks Vide
PostSubject: LOL: Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks   LOL: Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks Icon_minitimeWed Mar 05, 2014 10:50 pm

Heavy fighting broke out in the main military barracks in war-torn South Sudan's capital Juba on Wednesday, underscoring serious tensions within the national army as it battles a rebel uprising.

An AFP reporter said the sound of heavy gunfire was heard coming from the main barracks near Juba University, home to the presidential guards and other elite troops, from 9.30am (0630 GMT), with the shooting ending two hours later.

According to independent Tamazuj radio, the fighting started after soldiers argued with a military pay committee. It said several people were dead, but there was no immediate confirmation of the number of casualties and the army could not be reached for comment.

The US embassy in Juba issued a statement advising people to stay indoors, and a diplomatic source in the city cited reports of five to seven soldiers killed in the clashes.

"We are trying to establish what happpened, although it seems that troops who have not been paid went to the barracks to help themselves," the diplomat said.

However there were unconfirmed reports in other local media that the fighting broke out between guards loyal to President Salva Kiir and a commando unit under top general Gatwech Gai.
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LOL: Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks

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