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 Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told' Vide
PostSubject: Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told'   Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told' Icon_minitimeTue Feb 25, 2014 5:25 pm

The deadly clashes on Manus Island last week flared after asylum seekers realised the Australian government was ''lying to them'' about plans to resettle them in Papua New Guinea, a migration agent who worked on the island has said.

Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told' Art-353-martin-bowles-300x0

Liz Thompson, who was helping asylum seekers lodge their refugee applications on Manus Island when the alleged riot broke out, told Fairfax Media that the asylum seekers launched their protests when a Papua New Guinean official went ''off script'' and acknowledged there were no plans in place for their resettlement.

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Riot flared as Manus Island Concentration Camp refugees realized 'statist lies were told'

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