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 Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson

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Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson Vide
PostSubject: Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson   Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson Icon_minitimeMon Feb 10, 2014 12:27 am

On February 6th, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Emerson Lyons Jr., a tow truck driver employed by Emerson’s Towing And Repair, which can be found on Facebook at, arrived on Gilbo Avenue to tow a vehicle that Parking Enforcement Officer Jane Vigneau had called in for what is assumed to be unpaid extortion fees, more commonly referred to as parking tickets. The moment the tow truck driver stepped out of his door, he threatened to knock my teeth out for filiming him in public, from twenty feet away. He can be found on Facebook at

While I generally try to refrain from resorting to name calling, I did refer to this individual as a “fucking loser” towards the end of the interaction, which given the circumstances was certainly justified but still not entirely appropriate or intelligent of me.

Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson 0

In some positive news, this interaction occurred due to the fact that I’m Robin Hooding again, and will be nearly every day of the week for the foreseeable future!

Some comments:

  • Fred Flinstone
    Graham is not an asshole! Assholes actually have a function in life!

  • regen
    Hey, area code plus 357-1028 thats this pussy’s phone number. You people who live there call and tell him he is a piece of slimy trash and tell him to come down to Georgia and talk like that to some of us hillbilly redneck honky peckerwood crackers and see what happens lol!!!

  • Lorah Margaret
    That’s a business phone number, jackass. Also, I’m glad you’re proud of being an inbred redneck, but for fucks sake keep your trashy comments contained to the already dirty South.

  • Keith
    He certainly should be fired. It is a violent extremist that is just 1 problem away from a mass murder in all likely hood. It is very sad. Thankfully, Graham exposed this guy and his evil intentions. Graham might have saved several lives right there!

  • Lorah Margaret
    The place is called, “Emerson’s Towing”. Good luck with him getting fired, geniuses.

  • Fred Flinstone
    Grahams a life saver? Are you high on bath salts?

  • Fred Flinstone
    Fired because he doesn’t like jobless low lifes like Graham Colson?

  • Graham Colson
    Jobless? lol, I do multiple things to support myself, most of which you would probably respond to with “Get a “real” job!” but that doesn’t change the fact that I make money and I rarely pay taxes.

Etc...  ROFL

Last edited by CovOps on Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson Vide
PostSubject: Re: Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson   Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Emerson’s Towing And Repairs driver threatens Robin Hooder Graham Colson Icon_minitimeMon Feb 10, 2014 1:23 am

Devil lol
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