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 OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade   OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2008 7:54 pm

Traditional Chinese medicine professionals can declare the legitimacy of their products under a new certification scheme adopted by the federal government.

The scheme will be used to guarantee that products used or sold do not contain ingredients from threatened species.

The scheme was developed jointly by the government and the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (ACME).

"From today, traditional medicine professionals will be able to use an accreditation logo on their shop front or in any printed material or on websites to communicate publicly that they only use wildlife products that are legally acquired," Environment Minister Peter Garrett said in a statement.

"Threatened animals such as rhinoceros, sun bears, turtles and tigers can be used to provide ingredients for these medicines, often in the cruellest circumstances, with no regard to the vulnerability of the species.

"It is something that we have the ability to stop."

ACME president James Flowers said his association had a long-standing policy opposing the use of endangered species in Chinese medicine health care.

"We fully endorse the Endangered Species Certification Scheme as a positive demonstration of the profession's stance on this issue," he said.

"It will not only raise awareness but also acknowledge practitioners and traders who operate in an ethical and professional manner."

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OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade Vide
PostSubject: Re: OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade   OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2008 7:58 pm

Certification is a disgusting statist control racket... thankfully, the 'black' market will fuck them over, as it always does!
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OZschwitz: Useless certification scheme for traditional Chinese medicine impedes free trade

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