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 Corrupt FCC Manipulating Spectrum Auctions

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Corrupt FCC Manipulating Spectrum Auctions Vide
PostSubject: Corrupt FCC Manipulating Spectrum Auctions   Corrupt FCC Manipulating Spectrum Auctions Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2008 9:58 pm

Has the FCC gotten into the wireless business? Instead of simply auctioning off airwaves, it's been taking it a step further recently by laying out the business model and establishing penalties for companies that don't stick to the plan. Perhaps encouraged by the last auction, in which it got Verizon Wireless ( NYSE: VZ) to pay billions for spectrum under the conditions that it must provide open access to devices and applications, the FCC is working on two more proposals. One would be re-auctioning the D-Block, which failed to sell in the last auction, and requires the buyer to set aside a portion of the spectrum for public safety. The FCC is also considering selling a swath of airwaves that would require the buyer to provide a free nationwide wireless broadband network, according to the WSJ.

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