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 Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes

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Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes Vide
PostSubject: Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes   Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 11:27 pm

Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes

The Venkatesh-Levitt paper on the economics of prostitution in Chicago shows that prostitutes are arrested about one out of every 450 tricks—but are forced to give "freebies" to police for about 3% of their tricks to avoid arrest.

On the one hand, I'm appalled at the utter corruption exhibited by law enforcement here, and wonder to what extent this illegal "perk" acts as a public-choice rationale for law enforcement to oppose legalization and regulation of brothels.

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Police more likely to sleep with than arrest prostitutes

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