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 Pig's Seven-year-old son shoots sister dead

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Pig's Seven-year-old son shoots sister dead Vide
PostSubject: Pig's Seven-year-old son shoots sister dead   Pig's Seven-year-old son shoots sister dead Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 7:31 pm

A seven-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his younger sister during a game of cops and robbers in the town of Tuxtla Gutierrez in southern Mexico, a spokeswoman for the state Attorney-General's office said.

The boy took a loaded gun that belonged to his father, a state police officer, from a table and pointed it at his four-year-old sister's head, the spokeswoman said.

The boy then pulled the trigger as part of their game.

Both parents were taken into custody to be investigated for negligence.

The boy was being held by government officials.

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Pig's Seven-year-old son shoots sister dead

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