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 LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck

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LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck Vide
PostSubject: LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck   LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck Icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 1:42 am

The cops used a robot to investigate, but luckily the vehicle was empty — on the anniversary week of the McVeigh bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck Uhaul18n2web

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LOL, statists getting paranoid: Oklahoma City bomb team called in after report of suspicious U-Haul truck

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