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 Statist scum: NH officials OK pig's use of deadly force

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Statist scum: NH officials OK pig's use of deadly force Vide
PostSubject: Statist scum: NH officials OK pig's use of deadly force   Statist scum: NH officials OK pig's use of deadly force Icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 12:15 am

Police finally trapped his truck in a residential neighborhood in Walpole. Police say Bohannon aimed a handgun toward two officers who had approached his truck.

Alstead Officer Cameron Prior fired five times, striking Bohannon in the head and torso.

Investigators determined the shooting was justified, given his behavior and adamancy about not surrendering. Bohannon was wanted for parole violations.

The report released Wednesday said police could not have known the handgun was a pellet gun.
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Statist scum: NH officials OK pig's use of deadly force

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