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 No kid should be in solitary confinement

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No kid should be in solitary confinement Vide
PostSubject: No kid should be in solitary confinement   No kid should be in solitary confinement Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2013 4:59 pm

The 17-year-old drew his suicide note in strips of wet toilet paper on the floor of his jail cell -- a concrete box where he was being held in isolation.

No kid should be in solitary confinement 130410114644kirkgunders

"I'm sorry 1 4 3 fam," Kirk Gunderson wrote.

Code for "I love you, family."

It's impossible to know what, exactly, pushed Kirk to tie a prison blanket to a smoke detector grate and hang himself on December 27, 2005. But Vicky Gunderson -- who remembers her son for his bright laugh and caring temperament and who described his suicide note and cell to me -- believes Kirk lost hope and the will to live when he was transferred from a regular cell at a county jail in Wisconsin into solitary confinement.

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No kid should be in solitary confinement

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