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 Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown Vide
PostSubject: Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown   Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 9:43 pm

A 12-year-old boy in Togo was killed on Monday by police who fired in warning to disperse a protest demanding the country's schools re-open as demonstrations over the closures spread across the country, a statement said.

Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown Photo13660454687161018m

The west African nation's government had temporarily shut all primary and secondary schools following student protests last week that saw property destroyed.

The rallies widened on Monday, with both protesters and members of the security forces hurt in clashes that broke out in several areas.

But the most serious incident occurred in the northern town of Dapaong, where a 12-year-old boy was killed as police tried to stop a crowd from storming a local government building.

"The warning shots fired by the police resulted in the death of a student around the age of 12," a statement read on national television said.

Officials in the area were forced to call for re-enforcements as the demonstration threatened to swell.

Schools will remain closed after the day of unrest that also saw one security officer seriously hurt, property destroyed and a number of lesser casualties across the country, the statement further said.

"The government, very concerned about such an escalation of violence, decided to extend the temporary closure of all schools," the statement said.

It called on parents to help restore calm.
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Togo police kill 12-year-old boy during protest crackdown

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