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 US strategy could result in nuclear war

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

US strategy could result in nuclear war Vide
PostSubject: US strategy could result in nuclear war   US strategy could result in nuclear war Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2013 6:23 pm

A US military strategy being mapped out to deal with the growing power of China in the western Pacific - a plan that would inevitably involve Australia - could escalate into a nuclear war, a leading think tank has warned.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute has written in a new paper that the fashionable ''AirSea Battle'' concept, which Washington strategists are developing to keep the US's grip on its sea and air power near China, contains ''uncertainties and potential shortfalls'' that could heighten the nuclear risk.

The concept risks making the Chinese military an enemy.

The paper, written by the institute's senior analyst for defence strategy, Benjamin Schreer, urges the Australian government to keep a cautious distance from the plan for now. Australia would likely play a role in the strategy, particularly with US Marines stationed in Darwin. The plan assumes any conflict between the US and China - most likely over Taiwan or Chinese skirmishing with Japan - would remain below the level of nuclear strikes.
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US strategy could result in nuclear war

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