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 Mounting Tensions Escalate Into Violence During Raid at Guantánamo Prison

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Mounting Tensions Escalate Into Violence During Raid at Guantánamo Prison Vide
PostSubject: Mounting Tensions Escalate Into Violence During Raid at Guantánamo Prison   Mounting Tensions Escalate Into Violence During Raid at Guantánamo Prison Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 8:52 pm

Weeks of mounting tensions between the military and detainees at the wartime prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, escalated into violence on Saturday during a raid in which guards forced prisoners living in communal housing to move to individual cells.

“Some detainees resisted with improvised weapons, and in response, four less-than-lethal rounds were fired,” the military said in a statement. “There were no serious injuries to guards or detainees.”

Capt. Robert Durand, a military spokesman at the base, said the improvised weapons included “batons and broomsticks.” Another military official said that at least one detainee had been hit by a rubber bullet, but that there were no further details about any minor injuries or how the prisoners had resisted.
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Mounting Tensions Escalate Into Violence During Raid at Guantánamo Prison

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