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 Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July

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Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July Vide
PostSubject: Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July   Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July Icon_minitimeThu Apr 11, 2013 2:03 am

An international rights group says the Syrian regime has been carrying out indiscriminate and sometimes deliberate airstrikes against civilians that have killed at least 4,300 people since last summer.

Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July 90d6656a1444a30c2e0f6a7

Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have targeted bakeries, breadlines and hospitals in the country's north. Parts of the region have fallen under the control of rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad.

In a report Thursday, the New York-based group says its activists inspected 52 sites in northern Syria, documenting 59 attacks by the Syrian Air Force that killed at least 152 people.

HRW says that across Syria, more than 4,300 civilians have been killed in attacks by Assad's jets since last July.

The United Nations says that more than 70,000 people have been killed in Syria's 2-year-old conflict.
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Human Rights Watch says Syrian fighter jets have murdered 4,300 people since July

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