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 OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers   OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2013 8:05 pm

Refugees branded threats to national security are asking the government to release them from detention - or kill them.

OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers Art729broadmeadowsrefug

The 28 asylum seekers - 25 Tamils, two Burmese Rohingyas and one Iranian - at the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation in Broadmeadows began a hunger strike in the early hours of Monday.

In a letter released via refugee advocates at the Tamil Refugee Council, they said they planned to continue to starve themselves until ''there is [a] solution, one way or the other''.

''If the Australian government does not release us, we ask that they kill us mercifully,'' they said. ''We have painted banners as part of our protest. There is one that shows many people hanging. That is what we want to happen to us if we are not released.''

The group said that some asylum seekers at the centre had attempted suicide. ''It is a cruel and inhumane environment for everyone.''

Most of the group have been in detention for two to three years. They are among more than 50 people in Australia who have been assessed as refugees but deemed threats to national security, without the ability to challenge ASIO's decisions. Most have never been given reasons for the assessments.
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OZschwitz gulag: If you won't free us, kill us instead, say hunger-strikers

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