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 How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes

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How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes Vide
PostSubject: How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes   How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes Icon_minitimeSun Apr 07, 2013 4:53 am

The CIA allegedly negotiated with Pakistani intelligence to kill a Pakistan state enemy in exchange for the U.S. receiving access to the country's airspace for the start of their controversial drone campaign.

New York Times national security correspondent Mark Mazzetti suggests in his new book that the CIA
agreed to a secret deal with Pakistan to execute a drone attack in June 2004 that killed Nek Muhammad, a Pashtun tribesman in Waziristan.

That operation served as an initiation test of sorts and allowed the CIA drone program.

How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes Article23052201925507f0
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How the CIA agreed to assassinate one of Pakistan's enemies to open the way for drone strikes

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