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 Drones are proving the best recruiters for the Taliban

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Drones are proving the best recruiters for the Taliban Vide
PostSubject: Drones are proving the best recruiters for the Taliban   Drones are proving the best recruiters for the Taliban Icon_minitimeSat Apr 06, 2013 2:56 am

For all its noisy rhetoric, the Taliban has never had a recruiter like the US drones. ''I spent three months trying to recruit and only got 10 or 15 people,'' former Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud once said.

Drones are proving the best recruiters for the Taliban Nwwidedrone220130405200

''One US drone attack and I get 150 volunteers.'' Mehsud is dead now, killed, predictably, by a drone strike in South Waziristan.

But more have taken his place, and the hostility towards the drones festers. Disquiet is also emerging outside Pakistan about the drones' legality, their civilian death toll and their ultimate effectiveness.
In this 2011 file photo, Pakistan women take part in a rally against the US drone strikes

Living in fear: Pakistani women take part in a rally against US drone strikes in 2011. Photo: AP

The emergence of new US tactics has soiled the drones' putative reputation as clean, ''surgical'' killers of the worst of the worst. Two in particular are resented - ''signature strikes'', in which unidentified men are targeted simply because of the way they appear to behave, and ''double-tap'' assaults, in which targets are hit twice in quick succession, often, it's alleged, as rescuers try to save the injured.

General James Cartwright, formerly US President Barack Obama's vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the latest insider to suggest the drones might be creating more terrorists than they kill.

''We're seeing that blowback,'' General Cartwright said last month, suggesting the aggressive drone campaign could be undermining efforts to quell extremism. ''If you're trying to kill your way to a solution, no matter how precise you are, you're going to upset people even if they're not targeted.''

The reliance on drones in Pakistan has jumped dramatically in recent years. From 2004 to 2009 the US made 52 drone strikes in north-west Pakistan. Since ordering his first on January 23, 2009, three days after being sworn into office, Obama has overseen 344. The latest was on March 21.

It remains an opaque war. America does not reveal how its controversial ''kill list'' is drawn up, and offers little information on casualties.

Pakistan's tribal areas, where the drones operate, are off-limits to foreigners and even Pakistanis who don't live there.

US officials have maintained the drone strikes are a ''targeted killing'' program, responsible only for ''single-digit'' civilian deaths. But data collected by independent agencies indicates many more.

Part of the discrepancy lies in how those killed are counted. The US presumes any male of fighting age a militant unless posthumously proved otherwise. Other agencies say this is a dangerous oversimplification.

The London-based Bureau for Investigative Journalism puts the death toll from drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004 at between 2537 and 3581. Between 411 and 884 of those have been civilians, between 168 and 197 children. Pakistan estimates more than 2200 people have died over nearly a decade, including ''at least 400 civilians''.

Pakistan maintains the US does not have its permission to launch the strikes on its soil and the United Nations says that without that permission the drone strikes are unlawful.

''It involves the use of force on the territory of another state without its consent and is therefore a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty,'' the UN's special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, Ben Emmerson, said last month.

A recent Pew poll found 74 per cent of Pakistanis believe the US is their country's enemy. Just 17 per cent said drone strikes were necessary to defend Pakistan from extremists.

''Drones are a specific, identifiable enemy of the people. People who live under the drones know they are from America, and it creates a sentiment of hate for America,'' says Mehran Ali Khan, senior researcher with the FATA Research Centre in Islamabad. ''People don't like the militants, they hate them, but they hate the Americans too.''

Khan is from Dabkot in South Waziristan. Few families in his region have been untouched by the drones, he says. Last year, his three brothers narrowly escaped an attack when they chose to walk a different path home from their fields. The regular route was bombed as they walked.

''People are fearful all the time living under them,'' Khan says. ''The drones kill and injure people and they destroy … homes and villages, but there is the social and the psychological impact too. People are frightened all of the time that they will be targeted.''

Khan says there are three main targets: hujras, the main meeting rooms of large family compounds; jirgas, public gatherings of village elders; and moving vehicles.

In deeply conservative, rural and poor Waziristan, extended families live together in mud-brick compounds. The hujra, where visitors are received and men sit to talk, is typically next to buildings reserved for women and children. When hujras are bombed, targeting visiting militants, the attack typically kills the women and children as well.

Attacks on jirgas also risk civilian lives. On March 17, 2011, two drone missiles struck an open-air bus shelter in Datta Khel, where elders were holding a jirga to discuss chromite mining. Forty-two people were killed, only four of whom were Taliban. The US maintains all those killed were insurgents. Independent reports, witness accounts and the Pakistani military disagree, and the attack sparked outraged protests across the country.

In recent months it is understood the US has moved away from the first two types of attacks. Instead, vehicles are targeted as they move between villages, and the drones fire smaller arms to minimise civilian casualties.

It remains an imperfect strategy. The view offered by the drone cameras can be flawed, too imprecise or even too close.

US drone pilot Matt Martin wrote in his autobiography (Predator: The Remote-Control Air War over Iraq and Afghanistan: A Pilot's Story) how a truck carrying insurgents appeared, through the Predator's footage, to be far enough from houses and pedestrians for a strike. Given clearance to take the shot, Martin fired, only to see two young boys riding a bicycle suddenly appear on the screen next to the truck as the missiles flew irretrievably towards it. The children were killed, along with those in the vehicle.

Militants now know they are being watched, Khan says. ''When they see a drone, they stop moving, they go into a house, or to a crowded place like a market.''

The most comprehensive independent analysis of the US drone program in Pakistan, a joint report by the law schools of Stanford and New York University, raises serious concerns.

The Bush White House, the report says, concentrated on ''personality strikes'', targeting named ''high-value'' terrorists. Under President Obama, the number of ''signature'' strikes has increased.

''According to US authorities, these strikes target 'groups of men who bear certain signatures, or defining characteristics associated with terrorist activity, but whose identities aren't known'. Just what those 'defining characteristics' are has never been made public,'' the report says.

It also raised concerns over ''double-tap'' strikes. In Pakistan it is believed these secondary attacks are aimed at killing those who come to the rescue of those injured. Mansur Khan Mahsud, director of the FATA Research Centre, says people are acutely aware of the practice.

''Now in Pakistan, when a drone strikes, the site is left alone for half an hour or an hour after an attack, for fear there will be secondary strikes. It stops first aid reaching those people who might have survived the initial blast.''

The drones breed mistrust not only of the US but of other Pakistanis. Sources say the Taliban have grown obsessed with finding spies they believe are on the US payroll, and the ''patrai'' - small electronic transmitters - they believe those agents leave in the houses of militants to guide drone strikes.

Whether the men accused are actually spies, or these transmitters even exist - the US declines to comment - is almost immaterial, Mahsud says.

''We hear about these from people, they believe, and people don't trust anyone any more. They think everyone is a spy.''

Like General Cartwright, Mr Mahsud believes the drones are ultimately counter-productive against Islamist extremism.

''The Pakistani Taliban have no future, because they have no support,'' he says. ''Most of the people hate them, they are getting weaker every week, and they don't have the money or the support or the capability they had two or three years ago.

''But for now, the Taliban have the excuse they are fighting America and NATO. When and if the Americans leave, and the drones stop, the Pakistani Taliban will lose their justification for existing.''
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