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 Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL Vide
PostSubject: Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL   Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 10:22 pm

going back for another glass and just take entire bottle with you!
Perfect for the wine-loving guy or girl who just can’t get enough, this
giant wine glass holds a full-sized 750ml bottle of wine
! The bottom
of this large wine glass is shaped like a wine bottle… but the top is
molded to look like a regular wine drinking glass. Useful for red or
whites, this wine bottle glass is a hilarious gift for the bachelorette
or birthday girl. The phrase ‘Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs!’
is featured on the front. Wine bottle giant wine glass holds 750ml;
measures 11½” tall.”

Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL Giant-wine-bottle
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Finally! A wine glass that fits my needs! LOL

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