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 Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California

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Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California Vide
PostSubject: Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California   Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2013 11:47 pm

he Coast Guard recovered 3.3 tons of marijuana off Southern California when smugglers tossed 245 bales overboard after their boat was spotted, the Coast Guard said Tuesday.

Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California 16374744

The 210-foot cutter Alert recovered the bales early Sunday about 90 miles west of San Nicolas Island. The smugglers' boat made a U-turn and sped back to Mexican waters, as the Coast Guard notified the Mexican navy, officials said.,0,3647950.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29
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Criminal Coast Guard steals 3.3 tons of pot from sea off Southern California

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