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 Who's killing Texas prosecutors? Someone that's pretty rational, that's who!

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Who's killing Texas prosecutors? Someone that's pretty rational, that's who! Vide
PostSubject: Who's killing Texas prosecutors? Someone that's pretty rational, that's who!   Who's killing Texas prosecutors? Someone that's pretty rational, that's who! Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 9:40 pm

Kaufman County is on edge. Two prosecutors killed in two months, including the district attorney, gunned down in his home over the weekend.

What's going on? Is someone assassinating prosecutors?

As armed guards surround the Kaufman County Courthouse and police shrouded some public officials in around-the-clock protection, it seems there are as many questions as answers.

Several dozen FBI agents are now assisting the investigation, a bureau spokeswoman said.
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Who's killing Texas prosecutors? Someone that's pretty rational, that's who!

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