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 OZschwitz statists are responsible for double prison murder-suicide

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz statists are responsible for double prison murder-suicide Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz statists are responsible for double prison murder-suicide   OZschwitz statists are responsible for double prison murder-suicide Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 8:03 pm

Police say two prisoners found dead in a Sydney jail could have died as the result of a murder-suicide.

The bodies of the men, aged 41 and 47, were found at Silverwater Prison's Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre during an inspection about 6.15am (AEDT) on Monday.

A police spokeswoman on Tuesday said the homicide squad was pursuing "murder-suicide as a key line of inquiry", but detectives "were keeping an open mind".

She said the men, both foreign nationals, were on remand for unconnected drug matters.

They were the only occupants of a cell at the time of their deaths, the spokeswoman said.

The family of one of the dead men had been informed of the incident, while police had not been able to contact the other man's family yet.

Police have said post-mortem examinations will help detectives establish the chain of events that led to the deaths.

An Ambulance Services of NSW dispatch report listed "cardiac or respiratory arrest" as the medical condition of both deceased, Fairfax Media has reported.

The Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre at Silverwater is a maximum security facility housing about 900 male inmates awaiting trial.

The inquiry into the deaths was being led by Flemington local area command, along with the homicide squad and corrective services.

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OZschwitz statists are responsible for double prison murder-suicide

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